Our Unified Communications (UC) technologies provide the customer with a wide range of options regarding how their communications and collaborations are delivered, managed and maintained, including hosted and on premises facilities.
Unified communications (UC) is the convergence of real-time communications services (such as instant messaging, video conferencing, data sharing, etc.) with non-real-time communication services (such as e-mail, SMS and fax). It allows users to send a message from one medium and receive the same message through another medium over Internet protocol (IP), often at a much faster speed than through the public switched telephone networks traditionally used
For example, Jack leaves a voicemail for Jill. Jill, however, is in an important business meeting and cannot pick up her phone to listen to the voicemail. Instead, Jill can open her e-mail from her smartphone or tablet and be able to read the message that Jack has left. If Jill wants to respond, she can write her response via e-mail to Jack, who can receive the message through his e-mail inbox, or listen to it from his voicemail
Sounds pretty cool and technological, right? We think so, which is why we’re so passionate about what we sell.
We know that when a company employs UC within their workplace, their work efficiency increases. People no longer have to wait around for important responses, which can delay progress, and employees can all be better connected around the clock.
While our country is slowly but surely climbing out of a recession, cutting costs is still crucial to keep a company afloat. But, instead of having to decrease workforce because of lack of space or lack of resources, businesses can use converged communication technology to keep employees even more in touch than ever, even if they’re working from home or out of other, more distant offices.
Another perk of utilizing UC? Travel time and commuting expenses are cut, which not only helps businesses to save time and money, it also contributes to keeping their CO2 emissions down. Services like video conferencing over IP can allow Jack, who is located in Portland, to meet with Jill, who is located in Los Angeles, without having to leave the office.
Through mobility-enabled UC services, users can have phone calls seamlessly rerouted from their office phone to their own mobile device, for any important calls that may come in while that person is in the field or in transit. Users can even make calls from their mobile device under their office number (known as single number reach-ability), so their personal number doesn’t have to be revealed.