About Us

The only ones

We Generate Trust

Dita limited has the single largest concentration of high-end IT skills in Uganda, in some areas eg NETWORKING expertise in Uganda. The Company focuses on training and has been able to offer Uganda and the Region local services that previously could only be supported expensively and spasmodically from Europe. Our Technical support division includes the country’s largest qualified team of engineers boasting technical certifications for every single product the company represents as an authorized dealer.

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The only ones

What we do

Hardware & Software

We also deal in supply of all kind of computer, Softwares, Anti-viruses and Supply and repairs printers and Accessories like HP laser Jet printers and many others.The Company Offers a strong portfolio of comprehensive services in the IT domain including Hardware Break-Fix under Warranty/Post Warranty,Warranty Extensions, Annual Maintenance Contracts, Parts & Accessories Supply, Software Licenses & Upgrades

Unified Communication

Our Unified Communications technologies provide the customer with a wide range of options regarding how their communications and collaborations are delivered.

VOIP Data Networking

A network is a collection of computers, servers, mainframes, network devices, peripherals, or other devices connected to one another to allow the sharing of data.

The only ones

Dita limited facts